Aiwa Cassette Deck Repairs
Aiwa AD-6800 Cassette Deck
The belts needed replacing and quite an ordeal to do so! The entire mechanism needs removing to get to the ones under the cassette plate. The one supplied for the ff/rew pulley was too small in width to turn the pulleys, it needed a 3x width one. The lamp had also gone in the tape movement thingy otherwise sounded fine afterwards.
Aiwa AD-3800
Would only play for a few seconds, the idler for the tape counter\pulse generator for auto stop had jammed up, freeing it resolved the problem, the motor had to be re-located as the mounting had come off one of the screws\rubber bushes.
Aiwa M800
Cassette deck, this didn't work because the belt had glued itself to the motor pulley, (needed a 63 mm dia 3 mm wide belt), once this was replaced it worked problem solved or so I thought, in play mode the take up spool was erratic, there is a small hard rubber pulley the idler connects with it had degraded and needed replacing I had to make a new one (from a meter probes safety cover actually), hey all okay now?, no, the LH channel would lose its signal, this model used the infamous 'orange' capacitors so well documented in Nakamichi models of the same time 1980, one in the playback circuit was a resistor, (value should be 6n8), with a quick check with a azimuth and frequency response calibration all was okay.